Differentiating Math Instruction, William N. Bender

Research paper on Mobius Knitting

Two American mathematicians published a paper around 1993 explaining all the limitations I’ve found with knitting moebius strips. They’ve created (invented?) a pattern stitch that’s symmetrical both horizontally and vertically, which is what’s needed.

Ecokids.ca website


-requires sign-up (free) to access teacher lounge
-lessons linked to Science curriculum – “Understanding Life Systems” strand for Grades 1-4 and 7

Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli

In Halifax this past summer we saw a breakdancing troupe perform at Buskerfest. One dancer in particular has stuck with me, and I found this bio and video today.

Bio: http://www.lazylegz.com/content/view/6/6/lang,en/
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SrctFMGYQw

Moebius knitting

I finally found instructions for a true Moebius knitting project, that doesn’t involve grafting together a rectangle or otherwise “cheating”:

Non-gender-specific baby clothes

Two of my friends are having babies in the next six months, and in both cases they know it’s a boy. I found it difficult to buy non-gender-specific clothing and baby items when my own son was born, and it doesn’t seem to have gotten any easier.

Little Lark has lovely clothing, all organic cotton and environmentally friendly dyes. I love stationery as well, so it appeals to me.
The Polka-Dot Patch is a bit more mainstream, but seems committed to unisex clothing. They do have dresses and other clothes specifically for girls, but their unisex categories are prominently placed and have a good selection.

This reminds me of:
Me to We: Socially Responsible Clothing, although they don’t have any children’s clothes. (Yet!)

Master Knitter Designation

I’m intrigued by the Master Knitter designation, and found this information on the web:  http://www.tkga.com/mastersprogram.shtm

My initial goal is to have this done by the time I’ve been knitting for 40 years… which, if I start in a year and do each level in one year, will work out nicely.

Failed watch cap in green Woolly Harvest

I tried to make a watch cap from the pattern given here, which purports to be the original pattern from the International Seamen’s House in Georgia.

I thought I was knitting pretty close to the given guage, but it ended up at 17 stitches to 4 inches on 4.5 mm needles, so that hat is far too big.  I’ve pulled it all out for a new project I’m planning.

Train sweater in blue Woolly Harvest

hpim2328I must have started this sweater six or seven years ago; it was either for my son, or for a particular friend of his that I promised a sweater to (now I feel guilty that it never happened).

The train motif came from the book “The Tap-Dancing Lizard”, full of neat charts for knitting pictures into your sweaters, socks, scarves, or whatever.  The sweater is the top-down raglan knit in the round that was in Threads magazine back in the 90’s – plenty of versions are available online now.  I had to split the body and knit it back and forth, to do the train pattern.

On Woolly Harvest wool and 4mm needles, knit in the round, I count 17 stitches and about 25 rows in 4 inches.

Crown hat in purple Woolly Harvest

I found a UFO (unfinished object) in my boxes of knitting paraphanelia yesterday.  I apparently started a ‘crown’ hat for myself in purple some time ago, probably to go with the purple winter coat I stopped wearing years ago, but only just got around to putting out for pickup in CP’s recent drive in our neighbourhood.  I adapted the pattern many years ago from Debbie Bliss to make a hat for my son; her version comes to a point, which I don’t like, so I made mine with a proper rounded top.

The garter stitch points on the brim were 13 stitches each, and there were six of them.  I count 79 stitches across the brim as I’m pulling out the 14 rows of garter stitch – perhaps I added an extra stitch for sewing it up, since garter stitch can’t be knit in the round.

It appears as though I knit the hat from the brim up in stocking stitch, then picked up stitches for the points on the brim.  After about 22 rows of even knitting, I decreased on the knit rows; with six sections, there were six decreases on each row, with that last one being the final two stitches of each knit row.

The yarn is from Woolly Harvest, from Manitoulin Island where my parents live.  On 4mm needles, I count exactly 16 stitches and 22 rows over 4 inches.  There’s nothing wrong with the hat – it seems to fit, and only needs three points completed to finish it.  I’m pulling it out anyway – purple doesn’t go with either my fall or winter coats, and I want the wool for a sweater I’m in the planning stages of!


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